一壶水, 急救箱, 手电筒, umbrella and other 应急装备 supplies upacked on the street next to a 车 tire.


Having 应急装备 supplies prepared ahead of time may give you just the resources you and your family need to stay safe.

A disaster or emergency could leave you without power and or help for several days, 所以最好准备一个急救箱.

And what you need in your 应急装备 will depend on if it's for your home, 车, 船或房车, what kind of disaster you could be facing as well as whether your family has a pet.



The American 红十字会 recommends one gallon of 水 per person, per day. 在决定要考虑多少天的时候 红十字会 suggests planning the amount of 食物 and 水 you need is a three-day supply for evacuations and a two-week supply for sheltering at home.

Non-perishable, easy-to-prepare 食物s that your family is willing to eat should go into your kit. 在准备试剂盒时, 准备好了.政府 建议考虑:

  • 罐装肉类、水果和蔬菜
  • 巴氏消毒牛奶和果汁
  • 蛋白质或水果棒
  • 干麦片或格兰诺拉麦片
  • 花生酱
  • 干果

一定要考虑到婴儿的特殊饮食需求, children and adults when planning your 食物 and check your kit every six months for expired 食物s.


  • 急救箱 小伤口用各种绷带包扎. 你的装备应该包括纱布包扎垫等物品, 绷带卷, 急救磁带, 抗生素软膏, 镊子和剪刀.
  • 药物 including a seven-day supply of all prescription medication everyone in the household may need as well as pain relievers, 胃药和过敏药. It's also important to check your kit every six months for expired medicines.
  • 设备 such as a multi-tool could come in handy during an emergency and the 红十字会 suggests having a battery- or crank-powered radio, 手电筒, 额外的电池, 开罐器, 卫生和个人卫生用品, 手机充电器, 额外的现金, 毯子或睡袋.
  • 文档 can also be vital to have in an emergency including copies of personal documents such as medication lists and pertinent medical information, 地址证明, passports or other forms of ID and copies of birth certificates and insurance policies.

Having a good, basic home 应急装备 may help make dealing with 严重的暴风雨 紧急情况也容易一些.


你是否只是在路上遇到了麻烦, 住在你可能遇到天气灾害的地方,比如 冰雪 或者你正在从灾区撤离,你应该准备一个 你车上的急救箱.

Some basic items to consider for your 车辆 should include 水 and 食物, 急救箱和额外的医疗用品, 毯子和手机充电器.

Additional items you may want to consider keeping in your 车辆 是:

  • 地方和区域路线图
  • 垃圾袋
  • 厕纸
  • 纸巾
  • 气体可以
  • 跨接电缆
  • 拖链

Weather can also create safety challenges that require more emergency 车 items or special 冰雪驾驶技巧. 注意事项 夏季驾车 also need to be made and may require different 应急装备 items.

一定要保持你的 车辆维护.


紧急情况随时都可能发生——包括在你工作的时候. Although your employer may have emergency supplies on hand such as 急救箱s, 工具和一些卫生用品, 这些工具包可能不完整或不能满足您的特定需求. For a work kit to keep in your desk, consider the following items:

  • 急救箱 with pain relievers and medicines you may need throughout the day
  • 紧急的毯子
  • 真皮工作手套
  • 安全眼镜或护目镜
  • 防尘口罩
  • 用挂绳吹口哨
  • 手电筒和备用电池
  • 卫生用品,包括湿巾和洗手液


如果一个 房车自驾游 is your go-to summer vacation, remember to be prepared for emergencies. 有一个基本的家庭急救箱和水, 食物, 急救箱, 工具, 卫生项目, 手电筒和电池对你的房车很重要. You'll also want to consider including items from the 车 应急装备 such as local maps and jumper cables.


机械问题, weather or accidents can turn a fun-activity into an emergency with little warning when participating in activities such as boating, 滑雪或徒步旅行.

当计划一个应急包 船安全,考虑一下来自 U.S. 海岸警卫队:

  • 无线电设备
  • 当地的地图和指南针
  • 锚和附加缆
  • 维修工具箱
  • 桶或舱底泵
  • 灭火器
  • 急救箱
  • 食物和水
  • 额外的衣服,如保暖的衣服,帽子和恶劣天气的装备
  • 个人用品(防晒霜、药品、太阳镜)


滑雪或远足时, 考虑带一个急救箱, 水和不易腐烂的食物,以防在路上发生意外. Try to pack extra clothing if able, since weather can be unpredictable and frostbite or 体温过低 能很快适应.

此外,要注意任何 天气变化 or 野火预测 你要徒步旅行的地方.


一个灾难工具箱对你毛茸茸的家庭成员来说也是必不可少的. 准备宠物用品 对他们来说也很重要. 除了确保你有他们的食物, 水, 疫苗接种信息和皮带, 确保你也有书面的护理说明.


如果你住在一个容易 暴风雨、龙卷风 or hurricanes, not only is an 应急装备 vital, but so is 飓风疏散计划. 也, keep in mind the items needed for sheltering in place will be a little different than the items needed for 飓风疏散计划.

在适当的地方庇护, the basic home 应急装备 listed above will provide a starting point for items you need.


地震是一种灾难,经常在没有预警的情况下发生. But if you live in an area with an earthquake threat, you can still make 地震准备到你家 as well as keeping a basic home 应急装备 (see supplies above).

附加项目.政府建议避免发生地震 应急装备 是:

  • 发出呼救信号
  • 防尘口罩
  • 塑料布和管道胶带
  • Tools such as wrenches or pliers that can be used to shut off utilities

为家里准备一个急救箱, 车, office or for outdoor activities may take a little time and planning, but it will be worth it if it helps you and your family ride out a disaster in safety.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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Preparing for a severe storm or wind emergency may help minimize damage to your property.


不要等着你手机上的警笛声或警报. 下面是如何做好准备,以防龙卷风向你袭来.


Tips to help you assess your risk and identify ways to help protect your home and family.


当飓风需要疏散时, 以下是你可以做些什么来帮助保护你的家, 宠物和财产.